Many do not know but around the world, no less than 2000 children are victims of domestic accidents every day and nearly 200 children under 4 die. These accidents can very easily be avoided by taking some precautions.
Securing your home when you have children: It's doing the right thing!
The numbers speak for themselves, many children are victims of accidents inside their home. Yet, one might think that this is the only place where they are safe but no, this is not the case. Children must be constantly monitored and especially in rooms such as the bedroom, bathroom and kitchen.
It is therefore important to secure your home before an accident occurs. That's why you will find many security products on the market. But beware, these devices alone are not enough, it is also necessary that parents are constantly vigilant. The baby video monitor is not the answer to everything.
When to baby proof your house?
Baby proofing your home should be done at an early age of your child. Indeed, children grow up and evolve very quickly, so you have to secure the house even if they are still a baby.
All of the items listed below must be part of your everyday life if you do not want your child to get hurt. Table, catch, oven or door guards will be useful when your child starts to walk upright. Also think about the baby safety helmet for more peace of mind.
Bed rails must be installed when your child is still a baby. They will prevent your child from climbing out of his bed and if you have a pet, it will prevent him from climbing into the bed.
Of course, these elements must be coupled with daily actions such as not leaving your child alone in his bath or not letting him enter the kitchen when you are eating.
General baby proofing
Using a baby gate to childproof your stairs

Stair safety gates will be very useful if you have a two-storey house. Indeed, imagine if your child came up or down the stairs alone? He might fall and get hurt. Thanks to this barrier which is fixed in the wall with screws, your child will not be able to reach the stairs. Some models don't require any screw to be mounted.
The advantage for parents is that this type of barrier is suitable for regular use, so you can open and close your security barrier ten times a day without any problem. Generally the system of opening and closing these barriers is very simple to use for adults. Also know that it is possible to install these barriers to prevent your children from entering certain rooms like the kitchen
How to baby proof your fireplace

When you have a fireplace at home and you have young children, the two together do not mix. If your child gets too close to the chimney, he or she may get burned, which can have serious consequences. Thus, to avoid this scenario, it is better to buy a chimney safety barrier. These barriers, very often made of metal, look very much like safety barriers for stairs. They are made of several panels and will prevent your children from get to close to the fireplace.
How to baby proof all types of doors

What mother has never faced the tears of her baby who has just been hit by a slamming door? So for your baby to sleep peacefully, opt for a door lock. Thanks to this little object, your doors will not slam anymore and will not wake your baby in the middle of the night. The door lock also has another purpose, that of preventing your children from getting their fingers caught in doors.
How to baby proof drawers

Children are curious about nature and love to look inside drawers. Only, if they are not careful, they can close the drawer on their fingers, which can be very painful. With a drawer lock, you will not have this problem anymore. Very easy to install, the drawer lock is one of the must have safety items. With this element, your child will not be able to open the drawers by himself or herself.
How to baby proof your windows

The window block exists in two versions. There is the window lock that will prevent your windows from slamming, which will allow your children to no longer pinch their fingers. And there is the window lock that prevents your child from opening the windows. You can choose one or the other according to the age of your child but know that the block window is an essential element for the safety of your child.
Baby proof everything electrical

Surprisingly, children are attracted by taboos and electric sockets are part of it. However, electric sockets are very dangerous because your child can be electrocuted if he puts his fingers into them. In this case, as soon as your children begin crawling, protect all your sockets even the plugs where you are certain that your child will not be able to touch. The children are very smart and can quickly divert your vigilance.
Baby proof your stove top

The vast majority of household accidents occur in the kitchen. It is therefore an area to secure to the maximum. First of all, you will be able to find oven guards that are transparent and easy to clean.
Their utility is to reduce the heat of the oven by about 50% and thus prevent your children from getting burned by putting their hands on the oven glass.
Then you will find the hob protections. The principle is the same as oven guards, they are protective plates that land on your hotplate when it is still hot to prevent your children from putting their fingers on it.
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