Baby has red eyes and runny nose? No doubt, your child has caught a nasty cold! Of course, he can not blow his nose like a big one and it is not very pleasant to kiss him if he has a runny nose. Fortunately, baby nasal aspirators are here to the rescue. Thanks to them, you can quickly release or unblock your toddlers nose. Baby is more serene and his parents too. To find out what are the different baby nasal aspirators and how to use them: follow the guide! We remind you that it is important to blow your baby's nose correctly to avoid any kind of complications. It is an hygiene and well-being gesture in everyday life.
What's a baby nasal aspirator?
It is well known that a baby easily catches microbes and that this is necessary to strenthen his immune system, especially if he or she is kept in the community, and often has a stuffy nose. As its name suggests, a baby nasal aspirator is used to suck baby's nose, that is to say to bring out the nasty mucus blocking his nose that prevents him from breathing properly. There are three types: oral suction, electric and pear. It is important to carefully choose a nasal aspirator because a child does not usually know how to use a kleenex until they are 3 years old.
Different types of nasal aspirators
Human suction nasal aspirators

Surely one of the least attractive objects of the childcare department, this sucker is powered by human. The tip is inserted into the infant's nostril and the mucus is aspirated by a hose. Rest assured, a filter prevents the whole thing from reaching your mouth. Easy to transport and use, this device helps to moderate the suction force. Some parents may be discouraged by the fear of hurting the baby by sucking too hard or by the fear of catching the germs themselves.
Electric nasal aspirator

The electric nasal aspirator is the one that reassures the most young parents. This is certainly more expensive, but it allows to select the suction force according to the density of phlegm to remove. Simply insert the tip into the nostril of the child, press the on / off button and the machine takes care of the rest. Some models can even inject saline before blowing. Hygienic and safe, it can still frighten Baby by its sounds.
Bulb nasal aspirator

The bulb nasal aspirator can suck the mucus manually. Its use is simple: it is enough to exert a pressure on the pear, to install the mouthpiece in the nostril of the small one and to release the pressure so that the nasal secretions are aspired. However, this material does not moderate the power of suction and some experts claim that it removes less mucus than the other two models.
How to choose a nasal aspirator? Our selection criterion
The effectiveness
A nasal sucker must be effective, that is to say it must remove the maximum of nasal secretions for baby to find a calm breathing. Efficiency is measured by the suction force but it should not be too strong to avoid hurting your baby.
The simplicity of use
To blow a little one, you have to be quick, because it's a moment that the child does not appreciate and he does not hesitate to let it know. Also, do not waste time with a system too complicated.
It is important that hygiene is taken into account. A baby nasal aspirator should be easy to clean and have a system that prevents phlegm from stagnating or being passed on to parents.
Available accessories
Generally, several disposable tips are provided which allows better hygiene. It can be sold with a kit or a box, or even with a kit including a thermometer, nail scissors, etc. For electric models, batteries are sometimes included.
The price
Depending on the model and brand chosen, the price may go from single to double. Note that manual aspirators, ie those with pear or oral suction are cheaper than electric models.
How to use a nasal aspirator

Whatever the type of nasal sucker chosen, you will always proceed as follows: lay the baby on his back facing you (or sitting if you have an electric nasal aspirator), do not hesitate to slip a towel under his head, as it could happen that a little mucus flows; gently turn the baby's head to the right side; cap the right nostril with one finger and insert the nasal aspirator tip into the left nostril; once the blowing done, turn your head to the other side and repeat the operation. If the child has a very big cold, do not hesitate to repeat the procedure several times a day.
Should I use saline water?
It is not mandatory to use saline, but it is still strongly recommended. This solution based on sodium chloride allows better drainage of mucus and facilitates their aspiration by the nasal aspirator. The saline water will be useful to you daily, whether in the case of the blowing or simply to clean his mouth or eyes after waking.
The best baby nasal aspirators according to parents

This electric sucker can moderate the suction force, which makes it very adaptable to the age and density of the cold of the child. Featuring an innovative, bearh-shaped design, this slime vacuum has won several awards, such as the Red Dot Award Product Design and has been voted several times the best product in its category. Easy to maintain, it comes with several disposable tips. This model exists in three colors: green, blue or pink.
The users of Nosiboo Pro nasal aspirator are delighted with the product. All agree that it is convenient to use and easy to clean, though a bit too noisy and therefore scary for the little ones. Some people complain about its size which makes it difficult to store and carry. It connects to the mains, which is not always practical when traveling.
Best manual sucker: Fridababy NoseFrida

Supplied with several disposable tips, this manual nasal aspirator is designed for all babies from birth to 3 years. Sterilizable, its reservoir opens in the middle to facilitate cleaning. His nosepiece is hooked directly to the tank where is positioned the hose by which the parent can suck the mucus. The device is transparent, so it is easy to see if any residues are passing through the pipe.
Its users were especially conquered by the price / quality ratio of the product. Although it has no filter, its transparency seduces parents, because it allows to monitor nasal secretions without the need to buy and change the filter regularly. The fact that it is easily washable and sterilizable is really a plus. A flat for all the same for the suction tip that seems too small and does not stay well in the mouth or detaches regularly tank.
Best bulb nasal aspirator: BoogieBulb

With its soft tip and its plastic bulb, the BoogieBulb is qualified as a 2 in 1 device. In fact, it allows one hand to suck the nasal secretions with its pear and secondly physiological saline can be easily instilled into the baby's nose through a reservoir. It also has an ear tip for clogged ears.
The quality / price ratio as well as the durability of this product has attracted consumers. The tip fits very well in the nostril of the little ones. It disassembles quickly and easily for optimum cleaning. Some find that it does not suck hard enough and that the tank dislodges during use. Still others think that the pear is too hard to squeeze or that the tip is too stiff.