We tend to overprotect our children, especially when it's first. However, pediatricians recommend taking your baby out regularly; it is indeed important for his health, but also for his awakening! So how old can you get your baby out, and what precautions should you take?
How soon can you take a newborn out in public?
here are some who say a month, others three weeks, some finally do not leave their baby during the first two months.
In fact, pediatricians agree: there is no minimum age to take out a baby . The only factor to watch is the development of your child's heat regulation system. It is indicated by the blueing of the extremities, which is perfectly natural.
After a few days, your child can regulate his temperature and there is no danger. Be careful, this information does not apply of course for premature or fragile children, in which case you must seek the advice of your pediatrician .
How do you leave the house with a newborn?
You'll see it quickly: it's hard to get around effectively with a baby without a stroller. For the health and comfort of the child like yours, it is important to choose the model.
We have compiled the criteria to choose your stroller in another article, click on this link to find out !
Two stroller categories have won the market. The first is the cane stroller. It keeps the child seated, so it is best to use it after 3 to 6 months. You can find a selection of the best cane strollers by clicking on this link .
The second is the trio stroller. It is better suited to parents who only want a stroller for the child to the extent that it is convertible. If it is called "trio", it can be transformed into a basket, pushchair or car seat. Convenient ! Check out our comparison of the best models on this link .
Taking newborn out: conditions
So you can take your baby out at any age; but not no matter how. Here are the few things to keep in mind.
Seasons and temperatures
You have to adapt to the weather, but you do not have to do too much. We tend to want to cover a baby more than necessary. In reality, they also suffer a lot from the heat and need air! The ideal is to count a layer of clothing more than the parents in cold weather. No more !
In summer, we must focus on materials such as cotton, which do not irritate when they are in contact with sweat. Ideally, the baby's body is left in the closet while waiting for winter, and he is made to wear underwear, which allow more air to pass.
Do not forget the fragility of a baby's skin, especially UV rays! Even through the clouds, there is a danger during prolonged exposure. Remember to cover his head . If you take your baby out on a stroller, you can buy a model with a sun visor. You can find our comparison of the best cane strollers that all have this feature!
In winter, dress with a body under another layer of clothing to keep the heat. The most vulnerable parts to cold are of course the extremities (ears, feet) and the head. The nacelle strollers, suitable for newborns sometimes have a windproof cover that has isothermal properties.
The question of pollution
When we talk about pollution, it's in the broadest sense. Noise and visual pollution can be as tiring or damaging to a baby's health as fine particles.
In the first few months of your baby's life, watch for weather reports , including pollution alerts in the area where you live. Fine particles, for example, can cause long-lasting breathing problems. In particular, a proven link has been established between childhood asthma and air pollution, or the development of allergies.
Regarding environments that are too stimulating, even aggressive, it must be kept in mind that some spaces are not suitable for your baby. It may seem obvious, but a demonstration, for example, is far too dangerous. Children are sensitive to high levels of sound and can be stressed when in the middle of crowds. They need air and space .
Similarly, it is perfectly possible to bring your child to the store as long as it is on a human scale. A large hypermarket is not suitable for a baby. First, and no longer a secret, several microbes that cause respiratory diseases develop in large aeration systems. If you have to go into this type of space - noisy, very bright and crowded - try to be quick and not spend the day there.
In the end, there is no secret. A baby should not be overprotected and should be given the opportunity, very early, to discover nature and its surroundings. But he also needs an environment that is not too stimulating or violent for him. Plan your routes based on these factors. Just be aware of weather warnings in case of heat wave and peak pollution, and be sure to be well equipped !